Moving Forward for Excellence
Allan David P. Valdez (February 6,2019)
Asking should never become a sin but a virtue.
In my almost ten years of serving the Department of Education, I have already vocally asked more than ten questions about matters of inconsistencies, imbalances, and changes about DepEd processes, practices, and cultures.
I never regret asking even though in our workplace, asking seems to be a mortal sin.
I never regret asking even though I will be tagged of various negative descriptions.
I never regret asking even though I know that I will be ridiculed on my back.
I regret nothing because it is in asking that I find enlightenment. Enlightenment about matters of inconsistencies, imbalances, and changes about DepEd processes, practices, and cultures. Had I not asked, I should have remained a fool.
I regret nothing for it is in asking that I effect positive change. By asking, I believe I have served as agent for someone to realize the need to act for change. Had I not asked, what is wrong has not been corrected.
As a school head, I appreciate those who ask about matters of inconsistencies, imbalances, and changes about DepEd processes, practices, and cultures, because it is in their asking that they find enlightenment. It is in their asking that they serve as agent for me to realize the need to act for change.
I never consider their asking a mortal sin. I never tagged them of negative descriptions and never I ridiculed them just because they asked.
There is nothing wrong in asking so never be afraid to ask. Ask before you obey. Asking is not a misdeed. It is the blind obedience that is.
Be enlightened. Be an agent of change. Ask, because asking is a virtue and not a sin.